As promised, here are the official rules for the 2006 LNM Sports Guru Challenge:
1. Points will be awarded for fantasy sports league performance as follows:
a) All participants taking part in each fantasy league are awarded 5 points.
b) In addition, each participant gets 5 points for each opposing team he/she beats in the regular season standings.
c) 5 points are awarded for each postseason win (including consolation games, if any), except for the postseason championship game, which is worth 10 points.
d) Results from multiple teams for each individual will be recognized for up to 4 total teams, but with diminishing returns. The best performing team for each individual will count for their full score, the next best for 75% of full score, the third best for 50% of full score, and the worst performing team will count for 25%.
2. Points will be awarded for the NCAA tournament bracket contests as follows:
a) All participants in each bracket contest are awarded 5 points.
b) In addition, 10 points are available to each participant for each round of the tournament. The percentage of those 10 points awarded will be equal to the percentage of correct picks for each round. After all rounds’ scores are added up, the total points will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
3. Points will be awarded for choosing the winner and score of individual real-life games (pick ‘ems) as follows (submissions must have been received before the start of the game in question to count):
a) Any selection submitted will be worth 3 points, right or wrong.
b) A correct pick will be worth 5 additional points.
c) A correct pick against the spread will be worth an additional 2 points.
4. The winner of the Sports Guru Challenge will win a prize of the entire pool of entry fees, with the following exceptions:
a) Anyone who participates in a LNM Sports-sponsored fantasy league or NCAA bracket selection, or who answers any pick ‘em question on this blog, is eligible to win the Sports Guru Challenge. However, to be eligible for any cash prize, you must have paid the entry fee of $5. Leave a comment on the blog with your email address to make arrangements for payment.
b) Further, to be eligible to a full payout of any cash prize to which you may be entitled, you must have paid the entry fee by March 31, 2006.
c) For anyone who has paid their entry fee after March 31, 2006 and is entitled to a cash prize as a result of their performance in the 2006 Sports Guru Challenge, a percentage of the total pool is paid equal to the percentage of their total points that are accumulated after receipt of their payment is acknowledged by email. For instance, if a participant accumulates 150 points over the year, is the winner, and accumulated 75 of those points after making payment in June, that person would receive 50% of the pool.
d) If any of the limitations under a), b), or c) apply, the next-placed person is considered for the remaining portion of the pool and a), b), and c) apply in the same manner. If a percentage payment applies to anyone after a percentage has already been awarded, any applicable percentage under c) for lower-placed participants applies to the total pool, not that remaining.
e) If a percentage to be awarded is greater than the percentage remaining, the participant gets the remaining percentage. In no case shall amounts in excess of the total entry fees received by the owner of this blog be paid as prizes.
5. A running list of LNM Sports-sponsored fantasy leagues and NCAA tournament bracket selection contests will be kept on the right side of the blog’s front page.
a) Anyone may suggest an addition to this list by commenting on the blog, but the owner of this blog has the final decision on whether it will be included.
b) The person who suggests a fantasy league or tournament bracket for the Sports Guru Challenge will be asked to provide a list of the names of people in the league or NCAA contest as well as the round-by-round results for an NCAA contest or the end-of-season standings and results of all playoff games for a fantasy league.
i) Failure to provide such a list within a month of the end of the contest/league in question will cause the results of said contest/league to be ignored by the Sports Guru Challenge.
ii) The only exception to i) is if the owner of this blog perceives a conflict of interest to be the cause of the missing submission. In such a case, the owner of this blog will take any necessary step to obtain the results of the contest and the individual refusing to submit the results will be disqualified from the 2006 Sports Guru Challenge without a refund.
c) The owner of this blog reserves the right to add any category of sports-related, knowledge-based competition to the Sports Guru Challenge. If this occurs, the scoring basis will immediately be posted on the blog and any results of said competition occurring before such posting will be ignored for purposes of the Sports Guru Challenge.
6. A ranking of the top 5 current scorers in the Sports Guru Challenge will be posted at random intervals on the right side of the front page of this blog.
a) A list of rankings of all competitors will be made available to any participant upon request; however, no more than one request per month will be honored for an individual participant unless the end of all LNM Sports-sponsored fantasy sports leagues for a certain sport or the end of the NCAA tournament has occurred since the date of the previous request.
7. Payment of an entry fee constitutes agreement to the above terms.